Let me stop the time for a moment, to make room for magic to unfold. In this moment of wonder, we see our dreams. And with each return to this place, may our dreams grow bigger on the way to reality.

In 2019 I decided to pursue my dream and true passion, photography, after having worked as a partner in an international law firm for over 13 years. My career switch has taught me the importance of living in the moment. Not to think or worry about the past or the future, but to be fully present. It is only when you are fully here and now that you are truly free to move, with mind and body in sync. Then things will start to flow. This is what I want to express with my work.

Contact me by email if you would like to buy an artwork, for assignments and collaborations.



  • Collaboration with The Modern Amsterdam | The Modern

  • Virtual exhibition of a selection of my work | Online