This trinity of art is meant to be a holistic experience for eye and ear. Here three consubstantial art forms embody the reciprocity between photo art, music and poetry. It is an invitation for you to stand still, take a moment - to wonder, to wander, to listen to that which comes to mind in the state of wonder.. You can listen to the music by scanning the QR codes on the poems next to the photos or by scrolling down.

More about the photo art:

The artworks of Sietske van ’t Hooft center around the concept of flow, mushin no shin, a Zen expression meaning ‘the mind without mind’. A state of flow where the mind is not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion but open to everything. Her past has taught her the importance of living in the moment: not to think or worry about the past or the future, but to be fully in the here and now. For more information about Sietske, click here.

More about the poetry:

Koen De Smet was heavily influenced by the old masters of haiku. Three simple lines of text, expressing the essence of a thought, leaving the reader with an image, an idea to elaborate. Basho and his severe elegance and Issa, a gentle brush leaving a tender thought for all of us, wandering, wondering. For more information about Koen, click here.

More about the music:

In the composition series “The Art of Being” Helene Jank creates landscapes of sound that thrive at the intersection of music and image, the movement of ideas and sound, discovering and weaving together new modes of perception. These relational modes express a state of reciprocity between self and self, self and nature and self and others unearthing feelings, energies, and memories for which there are no words. For more information about Helene, click here.

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